Memory making with Sarah May of Let There Be Light
Each month I interview a small business owner or entrepreneur about how they pursue authenticity and put value first in their work as part of the My Unedited Business series. I hope the series will show a different side to business, one where we can be personal and open with our audiences whilst still achieving our goals.
This month we’re welcoming Sarah May from Let There Be Light. Sarah May is a Chandler and a memory maker, crafting stories and bringing old tales back to life through the power of fragrance. Sarah May’s become a dear ‘Instagram friend’ of mine over the past few months thanks to the power of the small business community. (Yes, social media really can be social!) Anyhow, let’s get going with the interview.

Hi Sarah May! Please can you introduce your business to us…
My name is Sarah May, I am a bespoke Chandler, nature inspired Candle Maker & luxury home perfumer. I have a passion for creating elegant fragrance memories … that heady mix of nostalgia & magic captured within a single flame.
I designed my logo myself, wanting to capture within a flame, the comfort, the strength, the joy & peace I wish for my candles to enlighten people’s souls with.
The part I love most is the ‘memory making’ through my fragrances that people receive from using my products. I delight in hearing their individual stories, from weddings I have scented, Christmas tales & moments of comfort and serenity.
What inspired you to start Let There Be Light?
We are a candle loving family. But being environmentally conscious, and making cruelty free living a priority, I have always sought out products that are kind to my family and home. Blackened walls that were left behind after burning our purchased candles & the thought of an impact on our health I loved much less! Further research shocked and drew me to making candles for home & gifts, leading me into training & many years of experience, all fragranced with cherished family memories of our own.
Recuperation after a year long, debilitating & complicated illness saw my quiet days of candle making, slowly turn from hobby to business over the following years … hence the name I chose “LET THERE BE LIGHT” … as this passion & craft comforted me & lightened some of those darker recuperating days.
[…] this passion & craft comforted me & lightened some of those darker recuperating days.
Where and how do you work best?
I work alone, so everything from sourcing the finest purest quality ingredients, the buying, the making the packaging, the shipping & the marketing is done by myself, with lots of love, thought and care.
My creative inspiration comes from my surroundings of past, present & future, many memories, hopes and dreams.
I make everything in my studio, which is within the grounds of our home nestled in the wooded Welsh hillside, with the rolling sea on our doorstep. As well as from my own personal scent memories, my inspiration certainly comes from the nature surrounding & the beautiful landscapes.
My day always starts off with quiet journaling & a cup of tea whilst my household is still in slumber, then an early morning walk through the woodlands or along the coast to blow any night~time cobwebs away & to set my head straight for the day ahead. More tea & off to my studio, making & pouring candles, and any conjuring up, or experimenting is done in the mornings, with lots more tea! Then after lunch the packaging (wax stamp sealing every item traditionally is my pride & joy to do) & postal deliveries are sorted, the last hour or so being filled with admin ~ the part I dislike the most!…which really I should think about swapping this around to do first thing in the morning!
What value do you hope to bring to your clients and customers? How do you hope your work makes them feel?
For me, the humble candle has given me tranquil peace whilst counting my blessings, a soulful dose of happiness when needed, and a significant glow during celebratory times. My wish is that it can do the same for others.
Poured with a mindfulness of managing a responsible footprint to our environment, all of my candles are made from 100% pure unblended, biodegradable soy wax. They’re also vegan, free from toxins and parabens, crueltry-free and are clean burning.
Sarah May seals all her candles in the traditional way, adding that extra touch of something special for all of Let There Be Light’s customers
(I should know, I’m one of them!)
How do you hope to be Unedited in your business? How do you seek to be authentic and true in your work?
By being myself, being honest and uniquely ME …
I do this by sharing my highs, lows and every days – it helps my customers and followers to relate to me. Especially as an artisan maker, there’s beauty in knowing the person behind the business, the person that loving made your product step by step for you to enjoy!
What’s been the biggest high of your business journey so far?
My highlight so far, is mainly everything! Gosh I’ve had so many and they’re all very humbling to me … from scenting couples precious wedding days and knowing your blended fragrance will be a part of their special memory forever, to the smallest single candle bought as a “thank you” gift, a birthday treat or when some selfcare & quality time is needed. Donating gift boxes to many local charities for various events & the letters of kindness and the stories behind where my candles have found new homes & brought joy is beautiful.
A proud moment was when, after a long 6 months or so of rigorous testing, research and plenty of changing around to eco packaging etc, my products were submitted & placed on the shelves of The National Trust & Museums of Wales.
What was your greatest fear when you started your business?
All the business side totally overwhelmed me at first and sometimes still does , learning everyday!
I try hard to take a step outside the box and to research research research, theres so many tools out there, YouTube has become my daily friend!
Also I’ve found that personally to quieten the procrastination, I do a little each day on whatever task I’m facing … say for example my seasonal newsletter, these little pieces soon add up, like a jigsaw … I find this way it’s not too daunting!
I’ve found community by reaching out to other business owners, most people are always more than happy to help.
How do you overcome self doubt as a small business owner?
I do struggle with imposter syndrome so much, and knowing many many others do to is reassuring in a way that I’m not the only one!
I keep myself in check by looking at how far I’ve come in many areas of my business, how much I’ve learnt and how much has changed. This helps to stop me stumbling into a spiral.
Sarah May has found community online, connecting with fellow small business owners to support and learn from one another.
How do you make sure to have time for yourself as a business owner?
At first this was so hard and still can be some days as what I do Is my passion and my business is my baby, so I constantly have new ideas and inspirations popping into my head.
I’m still learning new ways which work for me, during the weekdays I chisel in little pockets of time which keep me fresh, 15mins on the ‘Calm’ app morning stretches & 10 minute guided meditation. I also head to the surrounding woodlands, beach or our garden for the last hour in my day to clear my head before the hum of dinnertime prep and my gorgeous family spill into our home after their own busy days.
Also, for the last couple of weeks I’ve been experimenting with turning off all devices on a Sunday … which has been a welcome quietening for me to enjoy family quality and a little ‘me time’.
Finally, if you could give one piece of advice to a new Unedited business owner what would it be?
Be you… You… ALWAYS YOU… Unique and beautiful, you are why others come over your way, buy your products, use your service and can relate to you.
Always follow your heart, it will bring you more joy and a sense of proudness within your work. x
You can find Sarah May on Instagram @lettherebelightcandles or over on her website where you can discover her gorgeous range of candles for yourself.
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