Meet Australian Money Coach, Alexis Harvey
Each month I interview a small business owner or entrepeneur about how they pursue authenticity and put value first in their work as part of the My Unedited Business series. I hope the series will show a different side to business, one where we can be personal and open with our audiences whilst still achieving our goals.
This month we’re welcoming Alexis Harvey. I had the delight of meeting Alex whilst I was in living in Melbourne, Australia. Alex is a Money Coach who specialises in helping self-employed women manage their money in a more empowering way. She also happens to be one of my lovely copywriting clients, and is always full of positive energy! Over to you Alex.

Hi Alex! Please can you introduce your business to us…
Yes! I’m a money coach, I help self-employed babes to manage their inconsistent income like a boss and upgrade their money mindset so they can hit their money goals! So many people become self-employed to have more financial freedom but end up with less, so I help them set up structures to actually create more freedom and the lifestyle they want. I do this through my Abundance Planner & Tracker, online programs, mastermind and as of this year, retreats!
What inspired you to start your business?
My business quite organically emerged after a 12 month deep dive into my own relationship with money after ‘attempting’ to become self-employed and spending through all of my savings with no real income yet. It was terrifying. During that time I put together my Abundance Planner & Tracker which enabled me to save $30k in 12 months without having my earning sh** together.
I was absolutely gobsmacked that I managed to do this. At this time my sister also started using my system, she was seeing amazing results and she started telling me that all of her friends wanted to use it… and that’s how it all started!
Where and how do you work best?
Most of the time I work best completely alone in my home office, however, if I start procrastinating I need to switch up my environment and work with someone or out in cafe in order to get back in ‘flow’. Another interesting thing I’ve found is that although I can ‘work whenever it suits me’ I actually find working during the day on Monday to Friday the most effective time to work. I think this is simply because that’s when the majority of people are working and the weekends are when the majority of people have time off, so I want time off then too!
What value do you hope to bring to your clients and customers? How do you hope your work makes them feel?
Fundamentally I hope I help my clients really feel and know that they are in control of their money situation and they have the power to change it. I then hope that my work gives them the inspiration, motivation and tools to actually do that. I hope my work makes my customers and clients feel relieved, seen, loved, excited, worthy and empowered.
Alex works with her clients to totally transform their money mindset, helping them to finally feel empowered (and in control) when it comes to their finances.
How do you hope to be Unedited in your business? How do you seek to be authentic and true in your work?
I aspire to be honest and transparent with my own experiences, my own ongoing journey and showing my audience my human-ness. I hope in doing this that they feel like they’re not alone and they really understand that where they’re at right now is ok and perfect. I want people to know that’s there’s nothing wrong with them, it’s simply about learning and growing and everyone can do that!
What’s been the biggest high of your business journey so far?
Mm, great question! That’s a tough one. If I go purely off the feeling, it was doing the third launch of my online program The Wealth Worthy Journey earlier this year. I felt SO inspired, so happy and so joyful the whole time even though I only had a couple of people signed up for most of it. I stayed in a place of service and didn’t assign meaning or attachment to the outcome.
I actually wanted to sit down, write all my email copy and promote full-heartedly to the people who would benefit. That email copy is still the best copy I’ve ever written! In the last few days of the launch, I made lots more sales, it was financially my biggest launch and set me up for 6 months.
What was your greatest fear when you started your business?
No one would want to buy from or work with me.
I think the most ineffective thing you can do is to shame the vulnerable or scared parts of yourself, fear them and try to push them away. This gives them ultimate power and you no power.
How do you overcome self doubt as a small business owner?
This is so huge and I could probably speak about this for a whole weekend, so I’ll try to condense the essence of it into a few sentences! It comes down to knowing myself, knowing very intimately my fears, doubts and insecurities and having a positive relationship with them.
I think the most ineffective thing you can do is to shame the vulnerable or scared parts of yourself, fear them and try to push them away. This gives them ultimate power and you no power. What works for me to accept and embrace these parts of myself and even talk to them when I’m feeling self-doubt – get to the bottom of that self-doubt, what are you really afraid of? And what do you need to simultaneously hold that vulnerable part of yourself and keep moving forward?
Alex has built a powerful and engaged community around her brand by being totally vulnerable, open and honest with her audience.
How do you make sure to have time for yourself as a business owner?
My mornings are my ‘me’ time and at the moment so are most of my weekday evenings. In the morning I take it slow, do morning practice and allow myself spaciousness before getting into my workday. I notice that if I work late in the evenings, I get burnt out and am much less productive, so I’m disciplined about stopping and just reading or moving my body or listening to music for at least an hour before I go to bed. The more rested I feel, the more productive and inspired I am.
Finally, if you could give one piece of advice to a new Unedited business owner what would it be?
Don’t feel shame around any aspect of who you are, chances are if you experience it, like it or think it, so do other people. Your uniqueness is exactly what makes you attractive. Don’t think there’s a ‘right way’ to be or a ‘right way’ to do things. There isn’t. What worked for someone else is based on their cocktail of personality, target market, industry and product. Let yourself be creative, there is no magic formula and make sure you make it fun because that’s what will make people drawn to you.
You can find Alex at @alexisharveyofficial or over at Head to Alex’s website to learn more about her coaching, courses and upcoming retreat! You can also check out her Abundance Planner and Tracker (copy written by me!).
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