How to write an about page that people actually want to read

What’s the first thing you do when you click through to a website for the first time? After a cursory glance at the homepage, chances are that you click on through to the about page to discover what this business is about and why you should care.

When it comes to small businesses, websites help to level the playing field – giving small brands the same, or similar, platform to big corporates. When done well, small businesses can actually outshine big business by showcasing their personality in a heartfelt and authentic way. But to do this you need a strong brand, thoughtful website design and powerful copy.

About Page

Your about page is the one section of your website where it’s okay to be talking about you and your story, instead of focussing on your ideal customers and their stories. It’s your digital home, where you invite readers through your office door to sit down, pour a cup of coffee and have a good old honest natter about why you started your business and what motivates you to get up each day.

More and more consumers are looking to shop local and support independent stores or services. They’re looking to move away from the global brands that have dominated the last few decades and instead switch to a way of life that is focussed on community. They want to know who’s creating their products and where. In short, they’re looking for personal connections.

And your about page is the perfect place to show your customers just who you are.

But, my word, doesn’t it feel intimidating? It’s easy to talk about your business for hours on end but putting it all down into a written format can be scary as!

That’s why I like to focus on three key ingredients that, when done properly, will help you nail your about page.

Your Motivation

This is your opportunity to take a stroll down memory lane and go back to the reason you started your business in the first place. What made you decide to leave the daily structure of 9-5 life to dive into the rollercoaster that is self-employed life?

Perhaps it was a love of connecting with customers through your work, maybe you wanted to build a community that was fully yours or create a life that enabled you to both see your family and follow your dreams. Or maybe it was simply a burning desire to do something different.

Whatever it is, it’s okay to share that with your audience. In fact, I encourage it. The more your customers know about your motivation for your work, the more they’re going to feel connected to you. Which means they’re far more likely to keep on buying from you again and again, rather than looking for cheaper products or services elsewhere.

Don’t be afraid to show how your work has evolved over time. Take your readers on that journey with you and show them how they can be a part of the next steps.

Your Values

Help your audience get to know you on a deeper level by sharing your brand values. Yes, brand values are a hot topic right now but it’s for good reason.

By sharing your values your allowing people to understand what you stand for. You’re showing what type of business you are and the type of customers you’re hoping to attract. For instance, if your small business has a focus on ethical products and sustainability then you’ll want to share that on your about page. The same goes if you use only local suppliers, or if all your products are handmade.

I’ve included my brand values below for a little inspiration:


I believe that authentic marketing is the key to making small businesses stand out from the crowd. You are uniquely positioned to tell your business’s story in a way that will connect with the hearts of your customers.


Small businesses can offer that unique connection and experience that large corporates are no longer able to deliver. That spark of connection when you discover a product or service that feels as though it was built just for you is pure magic.


I don’t think that there’s a set rulebook when it comes to marketing. There are guiding principles but those need to be utilised in a way that fits your business. Marketing should work for you, not the other way around.


There is power in storytelling. I am here to help you find your story – the common thread that runs through every aspect of your business. Together we can tell little stories every single day, that stick with your customers long after they’ve stopped reading.

Your Impact

How are your products and services making a difference in your clients’ and customers’ lives? You’ll likely have this information on your sales pages but it’s a good idea to include snippets of it on your about page too, albeit in a slightly different format.

Your about page isn’t a place to sell, rather it’s a place to get to know you and your business. Remember that cup of coffee you’re having with your customer? You wouldn’t try to push a sale mid-conversation, it’d be pretty awkward. Instead let’s focus on sharing how you can help and support your customers through your work.

This can be as simple as bringing moments of joy and relaxation into their homes through your physical products, or as complex as coaching them through a problem or connecting them with their dream job.

There are so many ways that your business is making an impact, now’s your chance to show them off.

So there you have it, perhaps your about page isn’t so scary after all. But if you’re still feeling the fear, I’ve got a brand new resource created just for you!

Write your website copy like a pro copywriter (without the pro price tag)

Introducing... the about page roadmap.

You’ll get access to the same copywriting framework I use with my small business clients. So you can have an about page that feels 100% you.

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