4 examples of businesses with personality-driven copy
Whenever I onboard a new copywriting client, I like to ask them to share examples of businesses whose copywriting inspires them. This helps me get a feel for the style of writing they like and determine what will align best with their businesses. Whilst I definitely don’t advocate for copying a business’s copy (oh dear) I do think a lot of new ideas can be sparked from looking at how other folks are doing things. Here are four businesses that are nailing personality-driven copy.

1. Oatly
Whenever I want to give an example of a business nailing their copy, Oatly is the brand that immediately comes to the front of my mind. Whether you’re on their website, opening up a new carton of their Oat milk, catching an advert on the tube or joining the conversation on social media, you’ll be greeted with conversational copy that communicates Oatly’s brand personality perfectly.
Oatly are bold, creative and original. Their stand-out copy has helped them become one of the most popular oat miks in a rapidly expanding market. In fact, people have gone so crazy over Oatly in the UK that their oat miks regularly sell out the moment they arrive back on the shelves.
2. Who Gives A Crap
Yep, that’s right, a toilet paper brand has made the list. Who Give A Crap are probably the most sustainable toilet paper company out there but they haven’t let that fact do all their selling for them. Instead, they’ve made bathroom jokes funny again with copy that knows its target audience perfectly.
I first discovered Who Gives A Crap via a Facebook Ad, so it says a lot that they actually managed to capture my (usually sceptical) interest. And now I’m hooked. Not just because I love that my loo roll is helping the planet but because they’ve made me feel part of a community, with copy that brings the conversation straight to your loo!
3. Jollie Socks
Just like Who Gives A Crap, Jollie Socks are doing good through business but they’re doing it in a very different way. This is a business that is laser focused on simplicity.
Their copy is minimal and to the point, yet their message and personality still shines through. From ‘sock it to homelessness’ to ‘sockscriptions’ and ‘take a stand’, Jollie Socks manage to be fun and playful whilst still focussing on the serious of their message and the power that their customers have to help change lives.
4. Patch Plants
Patch Plants have jumped on the bandwagon of plants becoming fashionable again whilst simultaneously playing with the trend of us naming the inanimate objects that live in our apartments. And it works wonderfully.
Patch have managed to make plants approachable and accessible, with each plant having its own memorable name and care instructions that, really do, bring it to life. Their timing is perfect and they’re doing it so well.
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